Style Sheet

Revised by the JHIEA Editorial Committee on December 4th, 2015


The JHIEA generally follows the current edition of Chicago Manual of Style, for more information go to:

Formatting your file

Please submit files in both Word (*.doc) and PDF (*.pdf) format.
Please ensure that files do not have visible editorial markups; any markings such as “track changes” or comments should be removed prior to submission.

Formatting your document

Lines should be double-spaced, including quotations and notes, while Times New Roman should be employed as the main font in 12 point size.
All pages need to be in “left justify” format (do not right justify) and use 1” margins all around (top and bottom as well as right and left).


Authors are expected to obtain permission to reproduce any copyrighted materials (e.g. photographs) used in their article prior to submission.
Please submit 300 dpi TIFF files. Supply each illustration with a caption accompanied by its source and relevant acknowledgments as required. If unable to submit images in the required format please contact the editorial office.


The names of persons or localities should be transliterated into the article’s main language, additionally the author has to provide the name in its original language. For important historical figures dates of birth and death in parentheses should be given upon first mention. E.g.: Wang Guo-wei (王國維,1877-1927); Plato (424-348 BC); Ryukyu (琉球).

Quotations in Foreign Language

Single words or short phrases, where essential to the argument, may be provided in the original language; all quotations in the body of the text should appear in the main language of the article.
The quotation in its original language should appear in the notes whenever germane.

In cases where standard scholarly translations of quoted texts are available, authors may rely upon them for both text and notes according to the professional standards of their field of specialization. If such editions are not widely and readily available, and the author has not provided the original text in the notes, the original texts must be provided by the author in an appendix for the use of reviewers.

If an article contains extensive blocks of special characters (i.e. Hebrew, Greek, Cyrillic, or other non-Latin alphabets), authors need to submit the complete block as an image file instead of text format.

Style and Format